(215)876-2773 •


Experienced videographer, software and database architect with robust project management, problem solving and interpersonal relationship skillset. Highly motivated, intuitive and flexible to changing priorities and sensitive to specific needs of individuals and organizations. Seeking position with a thriving company to highlight and grow skills in video production.


Chalet Media, Philadelphia, PA

Founded full service media company providing tailored, creative direction to diverse clientele.

Founder, Screenwriter, Videographer, Editor March 2020-Present

  • Producer of over 30 projects including documentaries, short films, commercials, music videos, lyric videos and website development using WordPress and Squarespace.

  • Script and record voiceovers for documentaries and short films using Audacity and Reason.

  • Managed all set needs including audio engineering, lighting and logistics

  • Proficient in Adobe Premiere and Davinci Resolve; Able to port knowledge easily to other editors

Health Partners Plans, Philadelphia, PA

Medicaid & Medicare Health Insurance Adminstrator

Multiple Roles 2006-2020

Technical Data Analyst - HealthCare Economics Department 2016-2020

  • Designed training experiences for team of 40 analysts to utilize new software and technologies

  • Worked with subject matter experts throughout the company to develop, document and maintain reports in support of up to 1,000 customers

  • Collaborated with IT department to onboard department to SharePoint intranet

Helpdesk Specialist II - Help Desk Department November 2010-2016

  • Led initiative to centralize all documentation to knowledge base system

  • Gathered specs from Helpdesk Specialists to build tools to maximize efficiencies using C#.Net

  • Supported all company software inclusive of Camtasia, VMWare and SharePoint

  • Developed company-wide relationships to resolve technical issues via customer calls, tickets and emails

Programmer/Senior Programmer – Data Analysis & Reporting March 2008-November 2010

  • Oversaw full life cycle development of corporate wide projects and initiatives

  • Maintained and developed websites and applications using C#.Net, VB.Net and Classic ASP

  • Led team members to meet aggressive deadlines and fulfill regulatory obligations

  • Spear-headed .Net and SQL Standards Committees

Web Applications Developer November 2006-March 2008

  • Sole web developer for external website and corporate intranet including back-end content management areas, training of content administrators, server maintenance and administration

  • Gathered requirements from multiple departments, designed, developed, and maintained fully web-serviceable Document Management System and extensive Calendaring System for enterprise-wide use


State University of New York, Geneseo, New York

B.A. in Mathematics; Minor in Philosophy

Directed Studies: Wrote instructional manuals to teach faculty how to use new technologies